My Handprints
Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls
But everyday I'm growing big
And soon I'll be very tall
Then all my little handprints
Will be very hard to recall
So here's a special handprint
Just so that you can say
This is how my fingers looked
When I placed them here today....
Shah Eiman Amzar Shah Apandi
Bertuahnya jadi ibu...
Penghargaan dari anak amat bermakna bagi seorang ibu.
"selamat Hari Ibu"
Thanks for the wish..
Children is a gift from Allah. Watching them growing up is the most satisfying moment in life,
hope I will always remember they are only borrowed to me. An Amanah to be taken care of and He can take from us at anytime.
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