Saturday, 14 June 2008

Education in Saudi Arabia Part IV

Alhamdulillah, we received a good nwes from Mrs Boney last week. Only 4 out of many Muslim Approval applications were returned by MOE. Form these 4 applications, 3 are Malaysian and 1 Singaporean.

I met Mrs Boney the next day to submit my daughter school admission form. She was very happy to see me and say her appreciation to Malaysian Embassy in helping on this matter. Despite of that good news, YIS will lost their gems when Mrs Boney will leaving them by 25th June.

One thing I like most about YIS is, Nationality is not a border. Your children is free to interact with other nationality, races, colours and religions. The children is given an equal opportunity to develop and polishing their ability and skills.

Looking foward on next school session. Adios

1 comment:

LYNN said...

Assalamualaikum, I dah go thru all your entries about education and option yang ada.Then dengan gagahnye mencari semua sekolah yang mungkin...Arabic medium mungkin kalau English medium agak terhalang..atau hantar ke sekolah jauh sikit spt ke Jeddah.