Tuesday 11 December 2007

Hajj Update

Latest news, we will leaving from Yanbu Al-Bahr at 4.00pm 16th Disember 2007 (7th Zulhijah 1427H) to Mekah. Estimate to arrive at 12.00 am due to heavy traffic. We will perform Tawaf Qudum and Sai'e Hajj. On the next day we will move to Mina and stay there until 9th Zulhijjah.

We will start moving to Arafah on the 9th for Wukuf. After Maghrib prayer, again we move to Mudzalifah and stay there for the whole night. After Fajr prayer on the next day, we will move back to Mina and soon after Dzohor prayer, we will perform stoning at the Jamrat Aqabah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum en shah dan kak ct

Alhamdulillah ... seronok dengar akak dan husband dapat buat haji this year. InsyaAllah di doakan dapat haji mabrur..

doa dan istigfar banyak2 ketika wukuf nanti .. semoga Allah kurniakan kemudahan dan rahmat kepada akak dan husband sepanjang buat haji ni..InsyaAllah

pasal anak2 jangan risau..berserahlah pada Allah dengan sesungguhnya. Hanya Dia sebaik2 perancang dan pelaksana.
